Hazelbourne Digital
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Generate more enquiries
from your website

We help doctors, therapists, clinics and hospitals grow businesses by optimising websites to generate the enquiries that you want. Specialising in private practice websites we help you if you’re in one or more of these situations:

  • You have a website but you’re not getting as many enquiries or appointments as you want
  • You want to grow your business and need more enquiries to do so
  • You’re just getting started in private practice and want a professional to produce your website
  • You want to improve your current website and add features like online booking or integrations

How we work

When we begin with a new client we take time to properly understand you and your business. After all, you can’t offer a treatment before an accurate diagnosis!

Usually, the process goes something like this:

Step 1 The first free phone or video call to get to know each other a little and find out if we’d be a good fit, and if you have a problem we can solve.

Step 2 Once agreeing to work together, we will go through in detail what you want to achieve and exactly how we can help you do that. If you don’t have a website, that’s where we start. If you have one that’s not working, we’ll need to diagnose the problem before recommending a solution. 

Step 3 Once we’re sure of the way ahead, we’ll implement the strategy. The starting point depends on your specific situation and the diagnosis of your problem.


Web Development

Web Development

We build websites and improve existing ones using proven techniques that make it more likely to generate enquiries and appointments. 

Advanced SEO

Advanced SEO

Getting relevant visitors to your website relies on creating appropriate keywords and links. We drive relevant traffic to your website.

Digital Profile Management

Digital Profile Management

Ensuring up to date profiles on directories and social media ensure you aren't losing leads from inactive profiles.

Brand Management

Brand Management

Starting with personal branding we analyse you, your existing clients and the clients you want. Utilising data we carefully position you to succeed.



Beautiful websites won't achieve anything without effective writing. Clear, compelling and persuasive messaging to suit your needs.



Stock imagery can take you so far, but to really ensure you stand out to your clients, we'll create you a library of stunning images and videos. 

Do you want to discover how we can help you?

Book a free consultation